Environmental Statement

Basic Principle:

Kyoeiseicha recognizes that the conservation of the global environment is one of the most important common issues for all of the humanity and is committed to becoming a more environmentally friendly company by minimizing the impact of our activites on the environment.


To improve the environmental impact of all our activities, products and services that are related to the manufacture and sale of Japanese tea, coffee, tea, and other food items, Kyoeiseicha promotes environmental management activities based on the following policy, and aim to be in harmony with the environment.

1. With the recognition of the environmental impacts related to our activities, products and services, Kyoeiseicha promotes prevention of environmental pollution and protection of the environment, and strives to constantly improve our environmental management activities. The environmental protection includes the utilization of sustainable resources, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, protection of biodiversity and ecosystems, etc.

2. Kyoeiseicha complies with environmental legal and other requirements related to our activities, products and services

3. Among the environmental impacts related to our activities, products and services, Kyoeiseicha addresses the following points as the priority theme of our environmental management.
(1) Promote the green procurement of stationery
(2) Reduction of office paper usage (annual purchase reduction)
(3) Enlightenment activities by cleaning the vicinity of the factories

4. For the proactive practice of the environmental load reduction activities of our employees, this environmental statement is to be well distributed within the organization and available to the general public.

5. Kyoeiseicha actively participate in regional environmental improvement activities.

In order to achieve the above policies, we set environmental improvement targets and regularly review and promote environmental our management activities.

Date of enactment: April 1, 2018

Kyoeiseicha Co., Ltd.

Tsukasa Maekawa - Director / Chairman